Advanced Asset Risk Management Technologies

Education Sector

Education Sector

Public and postsecondary schools are increasingly at risk from cyberattacks. Attack surfaces have increased tremendously as a result of the expansion of school networks, the rise in mobile device usage, and the assumption of always-on connections. Therefore, public and postsecondary colleges cannot afford to provide partial information security protection. Schools need to have cyber security that is specifically designed to suit their needs now and in the future.

AARMTech offers comprehensive security engineering solutions for the behavioral and facial analysis of students. We adapt our product, depending on the needs of the customer. We provide entire solutions for schools, such as management of the cafeteria, library, attendance, surveillance solution, paging and conference solution, etc. At AARMTech, we're dedicated to providing end-to-end protection for universities, colleges, and public institutions with cyber security that goes above and beyond the fundamentals.