Advanced Asset Risk Management Technologies
AARMTech will always keep website content updated and legit.But we are still not providing a guarantee that the all information in our website are perfect.
AARMTech website contains many information And contents.These are protected under copyright.So the viewer of our website is not supposed to copy the content of our website as well as the information we provide through uploaded documents
Our websites have integrated security notices and many types of copyright information which must be observed and followed as per the terms. you are not supposed to mirror any kind of content presented in our website to other website or in any other media. Customers acceptance of utilizing our service and solutions must go under our terms .
Please note that AARMTech will not ask any user details if you are casually browsing the website.AARMTech will only ask your personal information such as Name, Email id, phone number if you are enquiring about the services or solutions we provide .At any circumstances we wont disclose such information to third party.
Payment for our solutions and services must be done properly as mentioned in the agreement and due date is to be followed strictly.
AARMTech will always maintain a good relationship between our we do keep our customers data’s and another kind of personal details safe and we won't misuse it in any manner.
Under any circumstances you are not supposed to violate or attempt to violate the security of the website.Trying to access or logging onto the server or looking onto any kind of other account which are not authorized to access is strictly prohibited. Sending emails on promoting your brand or advertising your business is not allowed.